Name sex don't: male
Date of birth: in June 1988 work experience: 2 years-three years
Graduation years: in July 2012 the highest degree: the master's degree
Graduate school: university of Shanghai has earned the professional: master of law
Living in the land: Shanghai baoshan district national penetration: ZaoYangShi comprehensive in hubei province
Job situation/objective
Position type: full-time
Expect salary: 5000-6000 yuan
Expect site: Shanghai municipal districts, wuhan, hubei province, xiamen, fujian province
Expect position: justice and law related work
Intention overview: best can to Shanghai and Shanghai surrounding areas, and legal and medical treatment in related work
Education experience
Time college degree
2009 September 2012 to July Shanghai university legal master the master's degree
2000 September 2005 to July hubei institute of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine clinical undergraduate course
Working experience/social practice experience
Time work unit position
In October 2011-December 2011 Shanghai second intermediate people's court interns
April 2007-August 2009 hu bei province zao Yang city long-distance bus station worker
In August 2005 to April 2007, hubei province affiliated hospital of outpatient department intern
The reward
Get time to obtain award school
In June 2003, excellent member hubei institute of traditional Chinese medicine