
W(xu)W(wng) > иԇ > 125иԇ



Integrated Writing

Ԓ}United States- wellness programs bring lots of benefits to the companies and employees


1. become a motivational tool for people to lose weight and quit smokingresearch shows that cash can make people change their habit more easily

2. (jing)(l)ֻᘌ(du)_(d)Ŀ(bio)ĆTc(din)not fair

3. although cost companies a lot of money, long termǶջ؁


1. ڜpСһ(g)(dng)but can not keep for a long period. Research shows that after several years the people are back to their bad habit.

2. not fair?yn)ÿ(g)?xing)lһӵSome people have no time to exercise, because they need to take care of their family and to cope with chores, some people are genetically fat and they need to be charged higher because(hu)r(sh)g

3. ղ؁many employees not stay in one company forever, they will change for their own financial benefits to other companyҲ]ȥTԓpʧ

Independent Writing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Classmates and partners can communicate with each other in person to finish the project better than by sending e-mail.


}ͷ“(lin)ϵface-to-face communication


Para 1: Introduction.(󱳾Ԓ}(chng))

(hu)l(f)չƼM(jn)ԽԽĽʽM(jn)˂In my opinion, nothing beats speaking to another person face-to-face. For group or study fellows, in person conversation is the most convenient form, because it can eliminate misunderstandings immediately, cement relationships and encourage continued interaction.

Para 2: Body Paragraph 1(Փc(din)e)

The first and most obvious advantage of face-to-face communication has over an e-mail is that there is the ability for an interactive conversation. l(f)͵]д`СMɆTҪܶĕr(sh)gȥm@(g)`•(hu)(g)projectM(jn)挦(du)潻@ӵĆ}

Para 3: Body Paragraph 2(Փc(din)ጣe)

When doing a conversation in person, you communicate with more than verbal words, instead, you express with your body language and even your tone of voice. һ(g)(xing)Ŀĕr(sh)ɆTпܕ(hu)a(chn)˼^c(din)ϵײl(f)](hu)(do)ºܶ`ɈF(tun)(du)IJCJoking and irony are particularly difficult to express, identify and enjoy without seeing the expression on one’s face, or watching the movements of their bodies.

Para 4: Body Paragraph 3(׌Concession)

Admittedly, sending e-mails to partners bears its certain advantages, like organizing logic minds or storing some vital information. ҪЧȥһ(g)挦(du)潻߀ҪһNʽʽo

Para 5: Conclusion(^c(din))

In conclusion, communication in person is more important.

