и ԇдһЩlʘOߵĿc@ЩcĿ鷽ʽҲһҎ(gu)͞㿂Y(ji)и еЩؿcԼ@ЩcҊĿ鷽܉ّ֪֪(zhn)ل١
и c1(yu)ȱcؿ
}Ŀһ㼯ڵ͵ĸ߿ƼﻯW(xu) (dng)P2008214Յ^Ŀԇһƪ ˿ƌW(xu)üȥȾؽo˴˷ă(yu)cȱcȱc}Ŀһx}ԭеı^Mrgٶȱ^ԣڴһҪP(gun)ĽY(ji)(gu)@Ӳſڿԇࡣ
и c2ԭY(ji)ؿ
κ͵lecture }Ŀ(dng)жпܕ}һvʾԭ (ni)eֵ҂P(gun)ע ҂?ni)ճ|ԭ~Rֻһԕ`Ԟֻbecause DZؿϣʾԭ߀since, as, for, the reason is that ȱ_ʽ@Ҫ҂ճe۵ȡ
и c3I(y)~ؿ
и ҂(jng) Ƶf“this is what we call + ~”“this is +F(xin)” һv~҂ϤǕһN^εķʽ_߸yĿһ~һ~ôcdz@ǿwhat is the definition for+ I(y)~ܿԇ}Ŀǧ׃?ni)fԇҪcDz׃wԇ}}ĿɅTPO ĵ}ĿP(gun)ڄОһƪ
и c4СĔ(sh)ֱؿ
}ĿһF(xin)҂^Ķx}һwF(xin)ʽ߉P(gun)ϵȣw}Ŀڰж鳣Ҋ翼wLNãķNˮϵy(tng)xr(nng)I(y)OӰ푵_ҪעI(y)~ڴ пm(dng)ʹÿsZԜp Pӛrg
и c5ӱؿ
}Ŀн(jng)ʹþwĺεӁijһI(y)fʹ҂ڱʳ׃@ӁfҲʹ܇݆ӁfijNˮϵy(tng)Ҳʹijһvʷ¼fLľw(dng) гF(xin)for example, for instance, let’s say, let’s put it this way, just like, just as, as we all know fr҂һҪľX