Why I'm Embarrassed to Be an American
While Studying Abroad
Alexandra Villarreal 亞歷山德拉·維拉里爾
When I moved to Madrid for five months this spring to study abroad, I imagined I'd learn a lot about Spain and Europe, and even myself. Never could I have guessed that a main takeaway would be about my own country, and how it's failing on a global scale.
We need to think about our international reputation. Too many people are making light of this year's presidential elections, joking about moving to Canada or sharing mindless memes about the candidates. But the truth is,it's really not funny. As someone across the Atlantic Ocean, I feel like Aeneas watching Troy burn.
It's our own fault that Troy is burning.
While our legacy — our constitution, our commitment to freedom of speech and our extraordinary innovations — is one that makes me proud to be an American, I am embarrassed by my country's behavior right now. I've gleaned a lot from talking to my Spanish friends about politics, from being around internationals,and from seeing our global weight on every street, where Starbucks and McDonald's line every corner. And I've learned that people don't necessarily respect the United States, and that their opposition to our nation may be well-founded.
For example, when I first moved into my flat, one of the first questions my roommates asked was if I supported Trump. The fact that this is even a relevant talking point makes me blush, and then it makes me angry. No, I do not support a man who degrades women based on their looks, who blames all Muslims for a few radical factions, and who wavers on whether to denounce the Ku Klux Klan.
But based on primary results, the question was valid.
When my mother came to see me, she noticed that some Europeans are keeping clear of the U.S. On her flight over, she sat next to a young man studying in Texas. He said his family would not visit him because they associated the U.S. — and especially the south — with the politics of Cruz and Trump. And one of my close Spanish friends jokes that he doesn't want to visit Texas because he might get shot.
The thing is, there's so much good about the U.S. that I miss. I miss my brilliant friends who are critical thinkers and, more importantly,who are kind. I miss the U.S.' ambition and ingenuity. I even miss classic American hamburgers — the ones in Madrid can't compare. It's because I love my country that I don't want to see our political system turn into a pseudo-reality show enabled by a polarized electorate.