不管是申請醫(yī)學院、法學院還是其他學科,不管是出國讀碩士、博士還是申請工作,都需要推薦信。推薦信是請教授從他的視角客觀地對你進行評價,證明你個人的技能和特點的文書,是美國大學申請的基本文件之一。一般說來美國的研究生院要求提供 3 封推薦信,信件作者應該熟悉學生,并且有一定知名度。
推薦信其實是學校深入全面了解你的一個方式,也就是說你在寫你的 application 的時候,任何地方都有字數(shù)限制,可是只有推薦信這是沒有字數(shù)限制的,而且推薦信是唯一一個可以別人給你意見的地方,所以各個學校都十分想要知道其他人對你是怎么看的,也是幫你補充申請材料的一個好地方。
另外一個意義呢,其實就是所謂的叫 verification,你在你的申請 personal statement 和 activity 里面都寫了很多自己的優(yōu)點。但是并沒有人能證明你說的是否都是真實的,所以推薦信的作用之一就是 verify 你的活動。
可以找熟悉自己、和申請專業(yè)相關的老師(比如修過該老師的課、一起做過 research 的)很多人會下意識去找自己成績比較好的那門課的負責老師。當然這個很重要,但是最重要的其實是對你在課堂之外的表現(xiàn)也很了解的老師;也可以找實習地點直系負責人,盡量找比較熟悉自己的 supervisor。有很多熟悉的上司情況下,職稱越高越好。還有什么人可供選擇呢?就是你參加過的校外活動的負責人。他們作為見證者,不僅能證實你確實參加過某些活動,還能使招生官從一個課外的角度來了解你。
我們可以提前準備一個 information packet,把自己經(jīng)歷過的的活動都寫下來,根據(jù)重要性寫一個排名,讓老師知道哪一個需要重點看,哪一個可以一掃而過。做好這個information packet,能讓推薦人快速了解你,同時幫他寫出內(nèi)容更詳實的推薦信。
好的 information packet 可以在前面列一個提綱,用概括性的標示分類,而后再詳細寫下來你都干了什么事情,這樣以方便你的推薦人隨時翻回去重新看。然后下面可以把這些活動按時間順序排名,最重要的可以 highlight 。每一個活動都要有一個簡短介紹。至于所獲獎項,就大概寫一下是什么級別的獎,有多少人參加。整理好之后,在你邀請推薦人幫你寫推薦信的時候可以直接把這個 information packet 給他們,他們在寫推薦信的時候就可以參考這個材料。
還又一個就是上面講的 verified activity,證實你做過你說的這些活動,如果有 information packet,你的老師也在推薦信中強調(diào)了你做過的這些活動的話,等于說上了雙層保險。
所以大一大二的同學建議從現(xiàn)在開始就給自己做一個 activity list,做這個對申請是有非常正面的影響的,因為不管你將來申請什么一般都是要寫 activity 的。有了這樣一份記錄,到時候做 personal statement 的時候,也可以做一個你自己的 reference,不至于無處下筆。
注意:老師如果讓同學自己寫,同學需盡量說服老師用官方郵箱自己上傳。同學在選校名單確定后,開啟網(wǎng)申,輸入老師郵箱,學校的系統(tǒng)會給老師的郵箱發(fā)送鏈接。同學將選校名單、推薦信和最晚上傳截止日期列表發(fā)送老師。確認老師在 deadline 之前完成上傳,無法當面見面的老師,必須用郵件確認以上步驟。
例子:Thank you for this opportunity to express my admiration for the intellectual gifts, public spiritedness, and professional potential of Mr.Deepak Tuli.
例子:After earning my B.A. in English at University of New Hampshire, I earned my Ph.D. in English at Leeds University in 1990. I served as Assistant and Associate Professor of English at Bradley University from 1991 to 2005. I am currently Associate Professor of English at Indiana University in Bloomington and a prelaw advisor since 2007. I also teach the undergraduate elective, “The Law in Literature.” I have successfully recommended five of my students to your law school in the past four years.
例子:My first encounter with Abhinav was while teaching Mountain Valley High’s two-year Spanish program. Born in India,Abhinav moved to the United States when he was young and immediately became fascinated by Mexican culture and the Spanish language. The only Indian student in the class, he not only stood out as an engaging, pleasant, and serious student, but his Spanish was already very advanced (he earned an “A” in all my classes). Outside of the classroom, I encourage my students to improve their Spanish skills by becoming community volunteers. Abhinav jumped at the opportunity. For the past two years now, he has volunteered part time for Eureka Valley Hispanic Services (EVHS), a nonprofit agency where I served as a Client Advocate until October 2009.Because our interactions in class and at EVHS enable us to see each other as manyas five times a week, Abhinav and I have gotten to know each other very well.
申請者的 core strength 可以從以下幾個方面入手:
Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills
Intellectual Ability
Writing and Communication Skills
Multicultural and InternationalSkills
Character ,Integrity, and Ethics
Volunteering and Social Impact
Initiative and Creativity
申請者的 Goals and Potential
例子:Stan tells me his short-term post-M.B.A. goal is to work as an investment research analyst covering emerging markets either for an investment bank with a presence in Southeast Asia, such as Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, or at a mutual fund specializing in the region, such as Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund. Combined with the special insights he has gained through his working knowledge of China and Vietnam, either route will give hima rich and nuanced foundation in the market and its companies. In the long term, Stan plans to work as the fund manager of a Southeast Asia emerging marketsfund. Ten to 15 years from now, I believe he will be in an excellent position to start his own fund focused on Southeast Asia or perhaps entirely on Vietnam.
例子:I have advised four students who ultimately graduated from Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and Bruce’s ability and potential compare favorably with them. He has shown the potential to be a truly outstanding educator and will be a credit to your program. I wish him every success in his teaching career.