1.What do you know about our company?
2.How did you learn about this opening?
3.What interests you about our company?
4.What will our company benefit from hiring you? Why this company should hire you.
5.How long will you stay with the company?
6.What do you picture yourself doing (five/ten) years from now?
7.What was your major in college? Why?
8.How have your education and training prepared you for the job?
9.How did you do in school?
10.What are your leisure-time activities?
11.Do you get along with your coworkers?
12.How would a friend describe you?
13.How important is job security to you?
14.Do you get bored doing the same work over and over again?
15.Do you work well under pressure?
16.What do you do when you have trouble solving a problem?
17.Are you able to work alone without direct supervision?
18.Do you think your lack of ____________ (a degree/experience) will affect your ability to perform the job?
1. What do you know about our company?
Do your job-search research, and single out two or three positive facts about the company, like growth in recent years, increasing market share, and innovative breakthroughs.
2. How did you learn about this opening?
I responded to your ad on ____, but for some time prior to that I had been investigating this company as a potential employer. I was intrigued by your __________,_______and your ___________, and I 'm determined that I really had something to offer here.
I made a few initial contacts and learned more about the company; then, when your ad appeared on the website, I thought to myself, “What timing! This is a perfect match.” And here I am.
3. What interests you about our company?
I see great potential for growth here, and I want to be part of it. I have many ideas that I know could be implemented here better than anywhere else.
It fits perfectly with my career plans. Everything I’ve accomplished in my career to date has prepared me to perform the job you need done. My background in _______________, my experience with _____________, and my training in ____________ uniquely qualify me to perform this job better than anyone else.
You won’t find a better candidate or a more dedicated employee.
4. What will our company benefit from hiring you? Why this company should hire you.
You need a ___________
I have proven my ability to __________
Case based on STAR __________
Plus, I’m dedicated and learn quickly. I try always to excel at what I do. So, when you hire me, there’s little risk you’ll be interviewing for the job again soon.
5. How long will you stay with the company?
As long as I continue to learn and develop my capabilities. As with any partnership, I intend to fulfill my commitment and meet challenges as they come.
It’s my hope that, as long as I perform well on the job and make contributions, I’ll be considered a valuable employee. And as long as I’m making a contribution that is valued, I’ll have no reason to leave. However, if for any reason I don’t meet the company’s expectations, I don’t expect to remain on the payroll. So I look forward to staying as long as I’m productive.
6. What do you picture yourself doing (five/ten) years from now?
Five years from now, I see myself working for this company. My job will have increased at least one, probably two levels in responsibility and scope. I’ll have made a significant contribution to the ______________,______________ department and will be working on new ways to _______________.
Ten years from now, I will have progressed up the ladder into general management. I’ll have gotten there by proving I’m a producer, a problem solver, and someone who can grasp the scope of a program while not losing sight of the details.
7. What was your major in college? Why?
I majored in ____________with a minor in _________.
I always knew _________(business management/electrical engineering) was where I had the most potential, and I’ve remained with it because I turned out to be right. Not everyone is as fortunate as I have been. It’s very difficult at 18 to predict and plan for the future; but, even then, I knew what I wanted to do. I’m glad I set my goals at a young age. It has worked out well for me.
8. How have your education and training prepared you for the job?
My education gave me the tools to succeed, and my training taught me how to do the job properly. Before I really knew what my job entailed, I only thought I would perform it well.
The training gave me the opportunity to apply my education. By having the chance to do the work expected of me in advance, I gained the confidence to meet future challenges and the experience to do so successfully. The real challenge starts where the education and training end.
Studying diligently and practicing constantly really paid off. Now I am confident in my work and have earned the respect of my coworkers.
9. How did you do in school?
My grades were average, but I spent a great deal of time achieving in other areas, such as part-time employment and extracurricular activities like ________________ (mention activities and affiliations related to the work for which you are applying). I always did my work thoroughly. As with most other people, if I could do it again, my grades probably would be much higher. I’d not only work harder, but I’ve learned a lot since then!
10. What are your leisure-time activities?
(Before answering this question, take a second to conduct a mental review of the clues you picked up on your way in. If this company appears to be activity-oriented, and you play racquetball but also collect stamps, emphasize racquetball. If you know something about the companyculture-anemphasis on family values, for example—concentrateon that aspect of your life.)
11. Do you get along with your coworkers?
Yes, I do. Good working relationships are essential to a successful career and to getting the work done, so I have always tried to foster them. But there’s a definite difference between being friendly with your coworkers and working with friends.
It’s important to maintain just enough distance to be able to deal with problems that arise without being hampered by personal feelings. Professional detachment is directly related to objectivity and, therefore, effectiveness.
12. How would a friend describe you?
Likeable, energetic, and an organizer who is always thinking of different ways to make being with friends fulfilling and enjoyable. Someone who keeps personal commitments, protects personal confidences, and makes the time to help the community. A family person whose house is in order.
13. How important is job security to you?
Security is a basic need, but I know that there are no guarantees in life. The only true job security comes from making a meaningful contribution to my employer. If I know my job will be around for as long as I excel at it, I am able to concentrate on my work and remain focused. The best environment is one where employer and employee form a partnership for their mutua benefit.
14. Do you get bored doing the same work over and over again?
Not really. If the work involves my job, I don’t get bored because it is my responsibility to complete it to the best of my ability. Work is not necessarily entertaining; it is something that must be routinely and successfully accomplished time after time. That’s why they call it “work” and why I am being paid to do it.
If someone gets bored with repetition, he or she might have a serious problem. Sometimes you just have to set your preferences aside and focus on what needs to be done—even if it isn’t something new.
15. Do you work well under pressure?
Definitely. Some of the greatest events in history were the results of pressure situations, when someone was called on to make a quick decision and act on that decision. Positive pressure brings out the best in people.
However, when pressure, tension, and emergencies become the daily routine in any organization, positive pressure becomes a negative. Resources are used up and people burn out. A competent manager knows how to control the pressure and dispense it in effective doses.
16. Are you able to work alone without direct supervision?
Definitely. I’m a self-starter and finisher. I usually need direction only once—the first time I do some-thing—and, from then on, I work well on my own. I’m inner-directed and enjoy applying my creativity and problem-solving skills to my work.
However, I’m not one of those individuals who will keep doing something wrong rather than getting help, operating out of some fear of looking bad. If I’m not sure about a task or about whether I’m getting the expected results, I check with the person in charge to make sure. I’m not afraid to ask questions.
The important thing is to do the job right and with the greatest efficiency and productivity.
17. Would you be in a position to work overtime if required?
Absolutely. A job is a lot more than a paycheck—it’s a responsibility. I can understand that some people like to leave their work at the office and finish it the next day. But when I’m given a task to complete, I do so as soon as possible, even if it requires that I work overtime.
When I’ve been given the responsibility for a job, I take it seriously. I make sure what needs to get done gets done. Whether I’m compensated for overtime or not, I derive personal satisfaction from the extra effort that results in success.
Extra effort makes the difference between a good job and a better one.
18. Do you think your lack of ____________ (a degree/experience) will affect your ability to perform the job?
(No degree:)
No, I don’t think it will have an adverse effect. Even though I might not have the traditional academic letters after my name, I’ve learned a great deal, both in my job and on my own, that will help me perform the duties required by this job.
Education is an ongoing process throughout life. I have a great deal of respect for formal education, and I acquired all that time, money, and circumstances would allow. But I find myself learning all the time. When it comes to my job, I’m very practical: If something will make me better at what I do, I want to learn all I can about it. If it won’t, then it can wait.
I’m confident I have the knowledge and skill to get the job done and even to find new ways of doing it more efficiently and effectively.
(Lack of experience:)
Even though I might not have years of experience in this profession, I have the knowledge necessary to make an impressive start and the willingness to learn and improve. I have the skills required by this position. I learn quickly and will work hard to prove myself.
Sometimes employers can do better when they hire people who don’t have a great deal of repetitive experience. That way, they can train these employees in their methods and ways of doing the job.
And when you’re required to prove yourself, there’s a healthy tension at work, like the mainspring that moves a watch. When that spring releases, momentum is working in your favor. I think you’ll be impressed by how quickly I learn and how much I accomplish in this position.