Cό(Integrated Writing)Lԁиԇyc֮һȫ濼쿼x ȡP(gun)IϢԭď(f)
Ȼ߀кܶğox ^(do)¾CόʧևҪs䷨Ăy(tng)俼˼·x Ȼ]eĕrg(ni)ӏᘌЧֲP(gun)I
Ҫ_ЧҪP(gun)עCόO(sh)ӋЄeиԇx Cόеx ԌW(xu)g(sh)Ԓ}Ҷ߇@ͬһ}չ_ՓC(gu)ɷֵ֧P(gun)ϵx yȾʹôܷڿxĻA(ch)ϣ _A(y)y?
M^ETSO(sh)Ӌĸԇܰl(f)F(xin)mȻcͬһЩ˼·MͬGREԇČͬҪƪ£ArgumentcIssueArgumentxһƪȻдڵ߉e`@NʽcиCόкֻ֮ܶ̎^иCόвҪxе߉©Ǐ(f) еvgxе^c
˅^GREԇĿ|ͨͨ^TPOȂ俼Ϸ(f)(x)C˼·B(yng)x³l(f)A(y)y (ni)ݵĶںДĻA(ch)еķʸȥ ͨ^ ȡP(gun)I~(f)
xᘌijһY(ji)ՓeһЩlһЩO(sh)c߉W(xu)е}dzPtQʽlO(sh)ǞCijY(ji)Փ}}ɏ߉W(xu)Ƕȳl(f)ͨ^]lcY(ji)Փ֮gijԺͱҪԣA(y)y еķg(ni)ݣһǏėl˼lǷǷǷlY(ji)Փa(chn)ҪӰ?ǏĽY(ji)Փ˼Y(ji)ՓǷͬlǷܵóY(ji)Փ?ǏėlcY(ji)ՓP(gun)ϵ˼lcY(ji)Փ֮g߉P(gun)ϵǷҪǷ(gu)P(gun)ϵ?
TPO26xᘌ“Rؐ(zebra mussel)Ăoֹ”չ_ՓC
Moreover, once zebra mussels are carried to a new habitat, they can dominate it. They are a hardy species that does well under a variety of conditions, and they have a high rate of reproduction. Most important, however, zebra mussels often have no predators in their new habitats, and species without natural predators are likely to dominate their habitats
(j)˿Ɍ ķgʽA(y)yһǗlІ}Rֳؐ]ʳǷ?ǽY(ji)ՓІ}RؐlҲoռI(lng)¼ľӵ]ǷҪC(j)|(zh)ɽY(ji)Փ?Ƕ֮gP(gun)ϵlǷcRؐռI(lng)¼ľӵP(gun)(lin)?
cеķʸ ֡䌦 ƫĿֻ P(gun)I~ͿԸõg߉ ԭ£
Second, it’s true that zebra mussels often don’t have predators in their new habitats, but that’s only in the beginning. What’s been happening in Europe is that local aquatic birds sooner or later notice there’s a new food source around and change their habits to exploit it. They switch from whatever they were eating before to eating zebra mussels. And birds can eat a lot of mussels. So zebra mussels aren’t so likely to dominate their new habitats after all
C ֵՓcһ䣺KRؐռI(lng)¼ľӵءՓ(j)@Rؐ¼ľӵشڲʳչ_|(zh)xėl ָmȻRؐʳһΕrg?sh)صˮB͕_ʼʳ ėl׃ַgx
1ʾ(do)»ʹlead to/cause/decide/stimulate/give rise to
2ʾɁԴ^derive from/originate from/stem from
3ʾԭY(ji)because/so/therefore/result in/result from
xгF(xin)ɂҪñ^֮g֮ͬͬ̎ķչ_ՓCɏɂA(y)y еķg(ni)ݣһDZ^pǷ^pǷijNlγɱ^P(gun)ϵ^Ę˜Ƿͬ(^Ҫڹƽȵėl²M)^Ƿ;wͲְl(f)^rwƌ(do)ɲƌ(do)we`ģȲƫȫҲܺԂwTPO6xᘌ“ھӰٿȫ”“y(tng)ٿȫ”Ƿeչ_ՓC£
First, contributors to a communal online encyclopedia often lack academic credentials, thereby making their contributions partially informed at best and downright inaccurate in many cases. Traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts who adhere to standards of academic rigor that non-specialists can not really achieve
Č“ھӰٿȫ”“y(tng)ٿȫ”M˱^ھӰٿȫڌW(xu)g(sh)ŶȵܶrϢʴ_;y(tng)ٿȫӖ(xn)صČI(y)ʿڌW(xu)g(sh)˜ʇԏı^P(gun)ϵĵһMзA(y)y^pmȻ^lĔy(tng)ٿȫɌI(y)ʿһe`Ϣ?(j)҂ MC
First, errors. It’s hardly in a fair criticism that encyclopedias online have errors. Traditional encyclopedias have never been close to perfectly accurate. If you are looking for a really comprehensive reference work without any mistakes, you are not going to find it, on or off line. The real point is that it’s easy for errors in factual material to be corrected in an online encyclopedia. But with the printed and bound encyclopedia, the errors remain for decades
ɴ˿Ҋ ᘌxДı^ϢgMھӰٿȫy(tng)ٿȫme˿ֻҪP(gun)ע^pl(f)ìܵĺͿԸʴ_ď(f)P(gun)IϢ
1ֱӱʾ^unlike/in contrast to/not...but.../be against
2rgʾ^used to be...now..
3^^more...than.../rather...than.../superior to
xԮijijijijC(gu)ę(qun){(dio)о(j)չ_ՓCɏA(y)y пܳF(xin)ķg(ni)ݣһ{(dio)оǷ^O(sh)ӋǷƌW(xu)?ijijҡijijC(gu)l(f){(dio)Y(ji)ܶr²{(dio)^Л]вȡSCxԳȡijY(ji)ՓĘӱ{(dio)оvr?{(dio)rLǽ(jng)|(zh)ɵһܶ{(dio)о̫^}ܷӳ{(dio)錦Ҫl(f)չ׃{(dio)оijӆ}ӱǷ?(yng)ȺǷ?mȻĽy(tng)ӋՓĽǶȳl(f)@Щ}Ӱ{(dio)Y(ji)P(gun)IأF(xin)߀ǽ(jng)Á|(zh){(dio)оĿɿ
First, the National Geographic Society put together a committee that was instructed to conduct a thorough investigation of Peary’s records and equipment. At the end of the investigation, the committee concluded that Peary’s accounts were consistent and persuasive and declared that he had indeed reached the North Pole
First, it is true that the National Geographic Society committee declared that Peary had indeed reached the North Pole, but the committee was not completely objective. In fact, the committee was composed of Peary’s close friends who had contributed large sums of money to fund Peary’s trip. Moreover, the investigation lasted only two days. And according to Peary himself, the committee did not examine his records carefully. So the committee’s conclusions seem biased and therefore are not trustworthy