һ ycҪڃɂZZx ZxҪڌӢZZԱķe米~W(xu)(x)Z֪RȡںܶͬW(xu)fZy䌍Zxyȡc҂| (ni)ݲͬи IJУZĂ_(d)ʽʽl(f)˞fԒ㳣sxBxxҰНصʽl(f)@ЩֹfԒ˼Ĕr·˷H܉߿ʽl(f)ıeͬr߀呟ӢZZԵ(x)T̶ȣͨ^ƪ ߀ӢZZԵӛ^һeȻ ͬrҲ ·yһ҂ ʮʮӢʽl(f)ʽl(f)ҪȻgD(zhun)׃ȫ׃˘ӵʽl(f)^Ǻʹxe`һ_ʼ÷dzyZϾ(x) (do)˂ˮƽLrgͣǰͺʹ˷ŗڴˣ|ھRώ]λ(yng) ˮƽôǧfҪһ־ TPOSSSȲ(yng)(dng)ȏVOAVOA special_ʼ(x)ȱپ(x)εˮƽߕrٌϸQи ȻٓQTPOSSS(dng)Ȼ俼rgoôTPO oǸ_x
Σͨ^LڵĿY(ji)҂l(f)F(xin)ETScoÿƪµĽY(ji)(gu)(ji)cc(dng)Z׃cȎׂ(j)@Щc҂Y(ji)ӛ䛹PӛһЩӛc-D(zhun)e^ʮһcԏиǰpaper-based testԇM(jn)ˬF(xin)ڵinternet-based test˾Jİl(f)F(xin)иԇ yˣ@ҪwF(xin)ڿԇڿĿи ԇ ϵĕrgL}څڿ쿼wˌڿҪҲ(yng)ˡ(dng)Ȼ@fԇ^оȫҪˣڑ(yng)и ԇrҪcomȻİи ɵиһN(bio)(zhn)ԇ}˼·߀DZ^(wn)@Ҳͽo҂ṩ˿Y(ji)Ҏ(gu)ɵęCLڵ̽҂l(f)F(xin)и ԇ҂ԽPӛӛһЩ“Sc”(jng)ڿԇгF(xin)ĿcҪעA(y)yĿcHǴڌHԇ쵽cģÿƪ϶ֻ}A(y)yĿcʮׂڿԇr (yng)P(gun)Iӛ䛹Pӛڴ}r(j)Pӛ}͕°빦(zhn)_ʴ
ڌԒֵĿּ}҂һЧĽ} _^ĎԒW(xu)fκP(gun)Ҫ~ZώʲôW(xu)ĴԓԒĿġڌH}^HPӛ܉}˽ⲻͬ}͵Ľ}ҲڽQ}Ŀ}ĿķиĹٷָἰ|ھRώ͌conversationֵĿּ}Ľ}M(jn)һҪfʾҪ~ZУNeedWonderI’d like toI feel like doingwhat’s upĴwhat can Ido for youĴ@һ}҂eTPO 17 conversation2 ּ}ԓԒԭĞ
“Student: Excuse me, Mrs. Hanson. My name is John, John Grant. I work as a waiter in the campus dining hall, in the faculty dining room.
Manager :What can I do for you, John?
Student : Well, I work week nights, except for Friday. I was wondering if I could switch from working the dinner service to working at lunch.”
Why does the man go to see the woman?
A. To complain about customers.
B. To request an increase in his pay.
C. To ask for a change in his work schedule.
D. To apply for a job playing music in the dining hall.