

l(f)rg:2017-12-17 ݋:ٱ



Charge or debit? (Credit or debit?)

Charge (Credit) ָľһ҂fÿ, ÿʹϺܷ, Ǜ]֛]ȫ, ǺyՈÿ. ҂ (ATM ) debit, ֧Ʊ^ֱӿX. һ, ֻҪȥˢĵط@һ, ˳@ԒеĪ, ֪@Ԓچʲô, 䌍ֻҪ˽ʲô charge ʲô debit, @ԒͲy˽, ҕʹÿ߀ ATM ش. ʹÿf charge, ʹATM ʹ debit.

2. ǷҪһجF(xin)?

Cash back?

m(x)M $1.5, ˵İ? ƫƫô, Ҫҵl(f)yͬһyеCՄ? @Dz^ÿȥIF(xin)Ҫؓ~m(x)M?

䌍ֻҪ cash back @, rȫһ, cash back fOI 10 KĖ|, ˢrˢ30 Ԫ, ʣµ20ԪìF(xin) 20 K, ˳TͲ؎PĬF(xin), ֲؓ~m(x)M. Ψһȱcн~, Щ cash back $50, Щֻ cash back $20. һֻ ATM cash back , һÿDzе, Щ؄eÿ, Discover, Ҳṩ cash back Ĺ. ă(yu)cڲܰl(f)yC, ځmõ ATM ʿDһӿ cash back, ȫm(x)M, ՈҶ.

3. Ҫô?

How are you going to pay?

ס, DŽ @ԒһXɶ^X. 䌍@ԒCharge or debit @Ԓ, ľҪʲôʽÿ(credit card)  (debitcard) ǬF(xin) (cash) . @Ԓ""@ӰF(xin)^, ȥŮǵĕI|r, T͆@, ķh˾ʹ: cash. ǸF(xin)˼.


Double coupon.

ֻҪ^һӵ, ֪ coupon ʡXĵ! ^ coupon, l(f)еһNۃr, Save 50c coupon (ۃr)׌ڽYrٸ 50c, Ȼ@Щ̵@Щ coupon ȥ̓QX.

ʲô double coupon ? һҺ Kroger grocery store. ˴N, еһN. Q 50c coupon ȥĵI|, Ϳۃr 1 Ԫ, ۃrĽ~һ. @ 50c Kroger o͵ă(yu). ҲһЩ, ,ÿ coupon ~ó^ 75c, ҌͬһƷ, double coupon ֻʹһ.

5. Փ(j)ýoͷղ, ͕Xo.

Bring your receipt to the customer service, and they will refund you.

ǂҕMߙć, Ԏ׺ÿ̼, һһT customer service_. κεĆ}ȥ, oMĴ. XȥI|, eXıUߵ, ֻҪl(f)F(xin)Փ(j)κΆ}, ͿՓ(j)ȥ customer service ҪX (refund).


I want to take the raincheck for the eggs.

ЕrijƷ؃r, ԓƷܿؾͱُһ. @ӵ_, ̼һf, u˾u, Ҳ]k. ƶȺ˼, @؃rƷu˛]Pϵ, ȥIһ raincheck. ȵ^һΕrg (ҲSȵԓƷ؃rY) ߀ǿ؃rrărXȥُIԓƷ. @ӵƶ׌XúN.

^ raincheck ָِِ, tԿ԰Q raincheck, ȱ@Ʊę, Ապaِ.

7. ҺܱǸF(xin)ֻլF(xin)ĽY.

I am sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane

Cash Only ˼xֻլF(xin), ʲôÿ, ֧Ʊһɲ. ̼ͨҞYٶԲŕO Cash Only Lane. DŽr, ʾ]עڿ, Ҫߵ@һ lane, ϵĬF(xin)ƫƫr, 韩ʹ, ͱ횻 $1.5 m(x)MȥI $20 o, ǚ.

߀кܶ಻ͬ lane, Express Lane, ֻʮƷ, ֮, ҪYǰȿʾͲԴ̝.

8. @rX.

The price will go down.

go down go up ܺ, 㲻֪ʲô~, increase surge, goes up,

fһ, r, @f increase, Ҳf, "Theconcentration goes up."  DzҲe?

ƵĿZv, rise drop go up go down. "The price will drop."

9. ҂}u. We have a clearance sale today.

Clearance sale ǹ̶÷, ^}u, ϧ߀] ^ "Ǵu" v, ȻһҲȤ. , ҂ȥҪ@ЩuƷ, ҂ԆTf, "Where canI find the clearance items?" ^ clearance item }؛, a؛˼, odd sizes Ҳa؛˼.

10. ܲܽoһl(f)Ʊ?

Can you give me the invoice?

 چl(f)Ʊ@ֵӢôv? invoice @! ֻϧI|һ㶼ֻoՓ(j) receipt. ҂˺ܶl(f)Ʊд󪄵ĘȤ (Ǟϣ!!) ֻI|, ܇Ur, ŕo^İl(f)Ʊ (invoice)
