

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-12-08 編輯:少冰



  Twenty-one years ago today, PresidentClinton signed into law the landmark Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA.)Passed with strong bipartisan support in both houses of Congress, FMLA providesup to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in any calendar year for workers at companieswith 50 employees or more to care for a newborn, adopted child or sick parentor spouse. In its 21 years, FMLA has been used over 100 million times toprovide job security for men and women in the work place and continues to do soto this day.

  But a lot has changed in 21 years. In 2014,women now make up almost 50% of the work force and single parents as well asdual income families are far more prevalent today, making it more and moredifficult for workers to take unpaid leave. And the reality is, because womenare far more likely to be the one to care for a child or elderly relative, thisburden falls disproportionately on the shoulders of women, causing them far toooften to leave the work force, resulting in loss of income, careeropportunities and retirement benefits throughout their lifetime. In far toomany cases, unpaid leave means families must face the stark choice between apaycheck and caring for a loved one. This is not a choice any family shouldhave to make.

  Hardworking men and women deserve not onlyjob security, but also a paycheck when they need to take time off to care for aloved one. As President Obama said in his State of the Union address lastmonth, a woman “deserves to have a baby without sacrificing her job. A motherdeserves a day off to take care of a sick child or a sick parent withoutrunning into hardship.” Which is precisely why I’ve introduced the Family andMedical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act) with Rep. Rosa DeLauro to begin tomodernize the workplace and finally implement Paid Family & Medical Leavefor every U.S. worker.

  The FAMILY Act would allow up to threemonths of paid leave at 66% of one’s income for the minimal contribution — byemployee and employer — of, on average, less than the cost of a cup of coffee aweek. Because it’s funded by contributions by employer and employees, it’scompletely paid for and would not add a penny to the nation’s debt. And becauseit is an earned benefit that would be facilitated though the Social SecurityAdministration, the benefits would follow you from job to job and would applyto every American worker, whether full or part-time.

  Because women would disproportionallybenefit from this legislation, Paid FMLA is a central tenet of my OpportunityPlan to empower working women to stay in the work force and pursueopportunities that will allow them to contribute fully to the economic securityof their families. When President Obama said “it’s time to do away withworkplace policies that belong in a ‘Mad Men’ episode,” he meant it’s time toraise the minimum wage, time to finally achieve equal pay, time to implementuniversal Pre-K and time to provide quality affordable childcare. And yes, it’stime to pass the FAMILY Act so we can join the rest of the developed world inproviding paid leave to every one of our workers.

  Unfortunately, paid leave is facingsignificant opposition from some business interests, just as FMLA did 21 yearsago. Back then, opponents said FMLA would be bad for business, yet according toa 1998 survey, just 5 years after the law was implemented, 84% of FMLAcompliant businesses reported either no costs or actual cost savings as a resultof their family and medical leave policies. And that same year, 88% ofAmericans who knew what FMLA was supported it.

  Now in 2014, we’re facing a similar fightand just as then, I’m confident we will prevail. Go to Off The Sidelines andhere to learn more. Tweet and Facebook your friends about this important issueusing #FAMILYAct.

  The FAMILY Act is a commonsense measurewhose time has come to modernize the workplace to reflect the changing face ofthe American family, so that finally, we can relegate having to make the choicebetween earning a paycheck and caring for a loved one to the dustbin of historywhere it belongs, a relic of a “Mad Men” era gone by.


  本文用充分的理由和證據(jù)說明了是時(shí)候讓現(xiàn)代職場女性因家庭醫(yī)療帶薪休假, 文章的行文要素及分析要點(diǎn)主要集中在:Facts, Quotation from experts or authorities, the results of surveyor experiment, word choice 等。接下來我們依照SAT Official Guide中的相關(guān)方法來詳解這篇閱讀,并從EVIDENCE, RHETORICAL SKILLS 及WORD CHOICE FOREMOTIONAL APPEAL 三個(gè)方面入手講解如何分析議論文的素材。


  文章第二段Statistics的運(yùn)用強(qiáng)烈說明現(xiàn)在非常difficult for workers to take unpaid leave,此處以反例的手法引出作者婦女需要帶薪休假的觀點(diǎn)。文章分析點(diǎn)如下In 2014, women now make up almost 50% of the work force and singleparents as well as dual income families are far more prevalent today,

  文章第三段直接運(yùn)用了Quotation from experts or authorities的手法為其引入“Family andMedical Insurance Leave Act”背書,從而說明婦女需要帶薪休假。文章分析點(diǎn)如下:As President Obama said in his State of the Union address lastmonth, a woman “deserves to have a baby without sacrificing her job. A motherdeserves a day off to take care of a sick child or a sick parent without running into hardship.

  文章第三段運(yùn)用Fact 說明paid leave 不會(huì)給政府帶來壓力,從而說明可以進(jìn)行帶薪休假。文章分析點(diǎn)如下:Because it’s funded by contributions by employer and employees, it’scompletely paid for and would not add a penny to the nation’s debt

  文章第六段運(yùn)用了anecdote 指出一開始FMLA一開遇到的質(zhì)疑及后來被大家接受類比(analogy)現(xiàn)在的帶薪休假以說服讀者。文章分析點(diǎn)如下:Back then, opponents said FMLA would be bad for business, yetaccording to a 1998 survey, just 5 years after the law was implemented, 84% ofFMLA compliant businesses reported either no costs or actual cost savings as aresult of their family and medical leave policies.


  文章第三段運(yùn)用了Simile 的手法說明了paid leave 不會(huì)給政府帶來額外的負(fù)擔(dān),從而進(jìn)一步說明需要進(jìn)行帶薪休假。文章的分析點(diǎn)如下:The FAMILY Act would allow up to three months ofpaid leave at 66% of one’s income for the minimal contribution — by employeeand employer — of, on average, less than the cost of a cup of coffee a week


  文章第二段中‘disproportionately’的運(yùn)用說明了婦女在照顧孩子和老人方面做了更多貢獻(xiàn)導(dǎo)致她們在收入和職業(yè)方面的劣勢,此處為了激起讀者提高婦女待遇的心理共鳴。文章的分析點(diǎn)如下:And the reality is, because women are far more likely to be the oneto care for a child or elderly relative, this burden falls disproportionatelyon the shoulders of women, causing them far too often to leave the work force,resulting in loss of income, career opportunities and retirement benefitsthroughout their lifetime

  文章第七段中a relic of a “Mad Men” era gone by詞匯運(yùn)用說明了unpaid leave 是不合事宜的,可以引發(fā)讀者的思考和共鳴。文章分析點(diǎn)如下:we can relegate having to make the choice between earning a paycheckand caring for a loved one to the dustbin of history where it belongs, a relic of a “Mad Men” era gone by.
