

時間:2020-11-02 09:19:40 面試經(jīng)驗 我要投稿


  常言道, 救急不救窮, 看到這版上很多朋友急著準備面試, 那我就救一回急.


  本人在美國工作多年, 自己面試過數(shù)家FORTUNE 500公司, 也作為小經(jīng)理面試過很多老美, 有些實戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗.

  首先, 孫子云, 知己知彼, 百戰(zhàn)百勝. You need to know who is going to conduct the interview. Is it going to be a group interview, a rotation or just a preliminary interview? When, where, who, how?

  大公司面試程序繁瑣復(fù)雜, 通常是HR generalist or technical recruiter 來進行的, 第一輪很可能是電話面試. 小公司可能直接是部門經(jīng)理, 大區(qū)經(jīng)理, 甚至general manager面試. It could be very much different in proceeding, contents and manners. So, study your opponent, and be prepared. Prior prepare will prevent poor performance.

  外企面試比國企要職業(yè), 正規(guī), 公平, 個人能力起的作用比你的社會關(guān)系要大. 外企圈子呆慣了就不適應(yīng)國企. 面試主要原則, 1. Be Professional, 2. Result or data driven, 3. Strengthen your points by good examples, 4. Show your Team player spirit. 5. Respect the corporate pyramid, 6. Be aggressive and sensitive at the same time. 7. study the business and product line of the company, 8 get familiar with your resume.

  (歡迎轉(zhuǎn)載, 但是請注明出處, http://blog.sina.com.cn/kaipingzhang)

  1.Be Professional.

  個人要職業(yè)化, 面試要嚴肅, 不能東拉西扯, 如果是市場, 營銷, 公關(guān), you better put smile into your voice, which does not mean you have to laugh while you are talking. 話里帶笑音說明你個性很好. Be professional, 就是讓人感覺你是個外觀, 談吐, 思想都很與公司節(jié)奏, 文化一致的人, 而不可能在公司做出格的.事情, 如sexual harassment, indecent jokes, inappropriate representation of the company’s brand image and customer service, etc.

  2.Result or data driven.

  外企的業(yè)績是高度量化的, 他們需要關(guān)注業(yè)績的, 追求成就的人. 國企領(lǐng)導(dǎo)講話會經(jīng)常說, “明年一定要有較大提高.” 而外企會說, 懊髂暌?0% 業(yè)績增長.” 所以面試你的人會問你現(xiàn)在公司里, 你的業(yè)績每年多少, 占公司總銷售額多少. 或者, 你做R&D, 你的PROJECT的影響力, 操作多少資金, 帶多少人團隊, 甚至一天寫幾千行程序?

  3.Strengthen your points by good examples.

  Professionals in MNC do not like words without ground, if you tell them you have such and such capabilities to accomplish such and such, they will wonder, “on what ground?” 所以, 最好加上生動的例子. 比如你是剛畢業(yè)的大本, 人家問你有沒有managerial skills? 你說有, 給個例子先, for example:

  When I was in college, I always have a burning desire to serve the community. After I demonstrated my organization skills and people managerial skills, I had been successfully elected to be the chair of the student union.(吹牛不上稅, 這個沒人會查, 但是你得自圓其說), During my session, I have successfully led a team and launched a few activities such as fund raising for the Project of Hope, and organizing a trip to Tibet to study the ecosystem of the plateau.

  比較厲害的面試者會追問, “Have you ever encountered a situation that your team members disagree with you and you have difficulties to persuade them? If you believe your opinions are correct, how do you influence them?”

  自己想想怎么應(yīng)付, 以后如果上我的口語課, 我會展開講.

  4.Show your team player spirit.

  美國企業(yè)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)認為, WE can not recruit the smartest people, but we will try to recruit the people we love most and the people love us most. 這跟找對象一樣. 那么美國人非常看中團隊精神, they like you to evolve into team sports, such as football, basket ball, swimming team, etc. 深層次的含義是, you are a team player that can be coached. 聽教練話, 而不是總是問為什么向東, 為什么向西. When you are told to do so, do not ask why, company means a group of people organized by a charter to achieve return on investment or profit, sometimes your manager has no obligation or time to tell you why you need to get your ass down there or why you need to do such shit things.

  Team player no only means you need to listen to what the management tells you, but also back up your team members or your coworkers. 人家出差了, 生病了, 你愿意幫人家嗎? 其實幫人家就是幫經(jīng)理, 就是幫自己, 給人一種印象你有大局觀念. Don’t forget to use examples to give your point more credit.

  思考題: your interviewer ask you, “if your manager have a disagreement with you on an issue, and you definitely believe your thought is correct, will you discuss this with your manager? And how would you approach to that?”

  (歡迎轉(zhuǎn)載, 但是請注明出處, http://blog.sina.com.cn/kaipingzhang)

  5.Respect your corporate pyramid

  They said western countries are democratic, but the MNCs of democratic countries are definitely a Battalion in an Army. 官大一級壓死人, you never have a fight with the person who make the paycheck to you. 接上面的思考題:

  Your interviewer ask you, “if your manager have a disagreement with you on an issue, and you definitely believe your thought is correct, will you discuss this with your manager? And how would you approach to that?”

  如果你說, 我就聽他的好了, 那你是對公司不負責(zé)任, 覺得事情要壞還當(dāng)和事老. 如果你說你跟他討論, 那違背了團代精神, 把公司業(yè)務(wù)當(dāng)成是學(xué)術(shù), 無休止爭論. 怎么辦?

  最好的辦法是先肯定提問者的問題, “That is a good question, the situation you have described might happen on a regular basis.” (馬屁要不斷拍)









