1. ~
2. Ԓ}~g(sh)Z
the definition of …is
…can be defined as…
… , that/which is …
… is/are ….
磺What is spectroscopy? Well, the simplest definition I can give you isthat spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and light.
Spectroscopy is basically the study of spectra andspectral lines of light, and specifically for us, the light from stars.
3. Z
ڷg(sh)ZԵһЩ~Z ԭҲ@ǘӵĽጡ~ҲԸ(j)@Щጁ˽xҊı_ʽУ
… (by that) I mean…..
… that /which is…
… you know …
… in other words …
磺…suddenly it stops and preens, you know, it takes a few moments tostraighten its feathers…
straighten its featherpreenĽpreenɽጞ
4. ͬx~x~
磺…many of the films of the 20s and 30s would be considered hybrids, thatis, a mixture of styles that wouldn’t exactly fit into any of today’scategories.
… got two conflicting drives – two competing urges
5. ߉Ɯy
ٿ rһ}oµw⣬Ѿ_ Z֮gx(lin)ϵЕrһӵ߉ȥ룬Щ~˼ȻͳF(xin)
… inside there is a seed with a hard shell. It appearsthat the shell has to crack open or breakdown somewhat to allow the seed soakup water.( @˼һʲôNҪˮy뵽Ǟ˰l(f)ѿ) You know, if their seeds remain inside their shell,they will not germinate. ǰr뵽˰l(f)ѿ߉fNӟoƚôҲ͟ol(f)ѿˡgerminateҲǰl(f)ѿ˼
These paintings were made deep inside a dark cave, whereno natural light can penetrate. ֺɽȻ⮔(dng)Ȼǟo䵽penetrateǴ˼