и 漰oַЩ?Сش˞(ni)ϣ܌ҵи 俼!
Have you asked your brother to do the dishes?
1)Yes many times.(ܶ)
2)Yes a thousand times.(o(sh))
@һNشʽڶNa thousand times(o(sh))ʹHyperbole(䏈)oַHyperboleһ~ԴϣDZ˼exceed(^)һN~(overstatement)^䌍oַ;cnj_(d)M(jn)`R߉Ŀ䏈茑_(d)ҵoЧ磺a river of tears (I)a mountain of coal (úɽ)oceans of people (˺)...
Hyperbole(䏈)и е\Ҳ^t
1)You are my lifesaver.(ҵ“”)
2)You are 100% right.(“ٷ֮”_)
3)My back killed me.(ҵʹą)
4)You make me feel guilty. (ҸXڷ)
5)I haven't seen you for ages. (þòҊѽ!)
6)I could sleep for a whole year. (̫)
7)We're all tired to death. (҂)
(dng)Ȼи 俼Hyperbole(䏈)oַӢZZČW(xu)еĽ(jng)䷶öe
1)One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. (George Herbert) (һHô100̎)
2)It's a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day. (ꖹģڼЌ̫z)
3)A drop of ink may make a million think.(George G Byron)(һīˮɵֿǧf˼)
ԇ^ɷNи _(d)ʽ
1)He spent a lot of money.(˴PX)
2)He spent a lot of money like water.(Xˮ)
@ڶN_(d)ʽȵһNӺlike water(ˮ)ʹSimile()oַ@ԁoʹZԸӾʺ ԇҲنμһTԇ׃һNܡ Simile()һ~ԴZsimileslike()˂ʹһı~磺like asȼBĶıɷN֮g֮̎ʹñ_(d)rȤʽA is like B. Simile()oַTOEFL е\ÿ^t